Champagne is always difficult to refuse, and it is one of my favourite wine. It tastes great alone in any occasion and it the most versatile wine to pair with any food. In recent years, I have felt in love with grower champagne which aims to show the terroir where the grapes are grown and the style of the winemaker. The small houses grow the grape in their own vineyard and craft their own champagne, having 100% control over the viticulture and vinification. They are dedicated to make top quality champagne with greatest care. We will go through some of the great producers we met during out trip.
香檳,一款令人難而拒絕的酒釀,是筆者最喜愛的酒款之一。不論任何時候或任何場合;單獨欣賞或用以配菜都非常適合飲用。當追隨著名品牌香檳之同時,不知你是否如筆者一樣,對於葡萄農香檳Grower Champagne有著一份偏執,只因它較能反映出其風格及地方的風土特色。葡萄農由葡萄種植到以至釀酒過程均親自操作,所用的葡萄100%來自自家擁有的葡萄園,自然能夠釀造出釀酒師所追求的味道吧!當然,品牌香檳為了保持它的水準,亦會嚴格地挑選用以釀酒的葡萄。兩者所釀造出的香檳皆有支持者,作為香檳愛好者的我們,只有更努力地品嚐其成果吧!
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