Grower Champagne, is the opposite. Small growers, usually family owned and operated, produce their own Champagne rather than sell grapes to the large Champagne houses. These small-scale wines are made and bottled from the grower’s own grapes. Because most growers are very small, their vineyards are usually located in only one or two villages. These champagnes are often comprised of only one varietal that usually comes from one single harvest. This allows them to demonstrate a pure expression of the land they farm that is rarely achieved by the larger houses.
小農香檳剛好相反。這些小型的葡萄農,通常是家族擁有及經營,生產自己的香檳,而不是靠賣葡萄給大香檳酒莊的。這些產量相對較小的香檳是由葡萄農自己的葡萄所釀造及裝瓶的。因為大多數葡萄農規模都非常小,他們的葡萄園通常只位於一個或兩個不同的村莊。有些小農香檳只會使用 有一款葡萄品種,及來自同一個,或一兩個舊年份的基酒。這使他們能夠展現出他們葡萄園的風土,跟大酒莊的出品很不同,別具個性。
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